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1.hnRNP L激活circANKRD42反向剪接和circANKRD42介导的机械刚度和生化信号之间的串扰驱动肺纤维化发生

标题:hnRNP L-activated circANKRD42 Reverse Splicing and the circANKRD42-mediated Crosstalk between Mechanical Stiffness and Biochemical Signals to Drive Pulmonary Fibrogenesis

杂志:Mol Ther


通讯作者: 宋晓东弄副教授和吕长俊主任医师(滨州医学院)

不断增加的环状RNAs (circRNAs)参与特发性肺纤维化(IPF)的进展。然而,circRNA的生物发生以及circRNA介导的IPF中机械刚度和生化信号之间的串扰仍不清楚。本研究从IPF患者外周血中识别出一种新型环状RNA-ANKRD42,该环状RNAs通过机械刚度和生化信号的密切沟通参与肺纤维化。机制研究表明,异质核核糖核蛋白L (hnRNP L)激活了circANKRD42反向剪接生物发生。生物遗传circANKRD42海绵吸过miR-324-5p促进AJUBA的表达,这阻断了磷酸化的yes-associated protein 1 (YAP1)和大肿瘤抑制激酶1/2 (LATS1/2)之间的结合,导致YAP1进入细胞核的增加。circANKRD42也海绵吸出miR-136-5p以促进YAP1的翻译。在与TEAD结合的细胞核中积累YAP1,启动与机械刚度相关基因的转录。最后,在小鼠中评价circANKRD42的治疗效果,并分析circANKRD42与IPF患者临床病理特征的关系。本研究结果支持circANKRD42是一种有前途的生物标志物,也是IPF治疗中与细胞骨架张力相关的潜在治疗靶点。





标题:A novel protein encoded by circHNRNPU promotes multiple myeloma progression by regulating the bone marrow microenvironment and alternative splicing

杂志:J Exp Clin Cancer Res



背景:多发性骨髓瘤(MM)是一种无法治愈的骨髓浆细胞恶性肿瘤(BM),而免疫球蛋白D型MM (IgD MM)是一种非常罕见但在所有MM病例中最严重的亚型。因此,对IgD型MM的系统研究,旨在揭示IgD和其他类型MM的复发和难治性特点,有助于开发有效的MM治疗策略。

方法:采用Agilent SBC-ceRNA芯片检测3个正常血浆细胞(npc),5个lgdmm和5个lggmm。采用Sanger测序、RNase R酶切和qPCR方法检测circHNRNPU的存在和表达情况。采用BaseScope™RNA ISH检测石蜡包埋MM组织中circHNRNPU水平。经LC-MS/MS鉴定,circHNRNPU编码的蛋白命名为circHNRNPU_603aa。采用MTT法、集落形成法、流式细胞术和MM异种移植小鼠模型观察circHNRNPU_603aa对细胞增殖和细胞周期的影响。采用RIP-seq、RIP-PCR和WB分析方法,探讨circHNRNPU_603aa在MM细胞中泛素化的可能机制。通过超离心从MM细胞培养上清中分离出外泌体,并通过透射电镜和WB验证外泌体标记物Alix和CD9。

结果:CircHNRNPU是IgD MM中相对于lgG和NPCs样本丰富且差异表达最多的circRNA之一。在四个独立的MM患者队列中,circHNRNPU增加与不良预后相关。有趣的是,MM细胞分泌circHNRNPU,它编码一种名为circHNRNPU_603aa的蛋白。circHNRNPU_603aa在体内和体外均能促进MM细胞增殖,而siRNA敲除circHNRNPU_603aa则可消除这种作用。由于circHNRNPU_603aa包含RNA结合的RGG-box区域,调控SKP2外显子跳跃,从而竞争性地抑制c-Myc泛素,稳定MM中的c-Myc。MM细胞通过外泌体分泌circHNRNPU,干扰BM微环境中的各种细胞。




3. 外泌体传递环状RNA circSKA3促进肿瘤进展

标题:Promotion of tumor progression by exosome transmission of circular RNA circSKA3

杂志:Mol Ther Nucleic Acids



本文进行了体外和体内实验来研究环状RNA circSKA3在肿瘤发展中的作用。研究了circSKA3介导乳腺癌转移的作用。在体外,作者发现环状RNA circSKA3在乳腺癌细胞之间转移,通过抑制外泌体分泌而减少。在体内,含有circSKA3的外泌体增强了肿瘤的发展和侵袭,通过阻断外泌体的传播而被抑制。从荷瘤小鼠或乳腺癌患者腹水中分离出的circSKA3和整合素β1水平较高。单细胞培养和单细胞PCR结果表明,circSKA3呈异质性表达,表达量高的细胞形成大菌落的潜力较大。这一特性与c-myc相似,但circSKA3的表达与c-myc水平无相关性。circSKA3对细胞迁移和侵袭的影响似乎主导了c-myc功能。通过向表达较低circSKA3水平的癌细胞释放含有circSKA3的外泌体,大集落可以调节小集落的活动,增强整个种群的肿瘤形成能力。因此,本文提供的证据表明,肿瘤来源的外泌体中的环状RNAs的传播可能在乳腺癌中维持有利的侵袭性亚克隆。









序号 主要内容 论文标题 杂志 IF 单位
1 hnRNP l激活circANKRD42反向剪接和circANKRD42介导的机械刚度和生化信号之间的串扰驱动肺纤维化发生 hnRNP L-activated circANKRD42 Reverse Splicing and the circANKRD42-mediated Crosstalk between Mechanical Stiffness and Biochemical Signals to Drive Pulmonary Fibrogenesis Mol Ther 11.454 滨州医学院
2 circHNRNPU编码的一种新蛋白通过调节骨髓微环境和选择性剪接促进多发性骨髓瘤的进展 A novel protein encoded by circHNRNPU promotes multiple myeloma progression by regulating the bone marrow microenvironment and alternative splicing J Exp Clin Cancer Res 11.161 南京中医药大学,海军医科大学
3 外泌体传递环状RNA circSKA3促进肿瘤进展 Promotion of tumor progression by exosome transmission of circular RNA circSKA3 Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 8.886 多伦多大学
4 环状RNAs在非小细胞肺癌中的生物发生、功能和临床意义 Biogenesis, functions, and clinical implications of circular RNAs in non-small cell lung cancer Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 8.886 青岛大学
5 CircRNA Chordc1通过促进血管平滑肌细胞的表型和生长来保护小鼠免受腹主动脉瘤的伤害 CircRNA Chordc1 protects mice from abdominal aortic aneurysm by contributing to the phenotype and growth of vascular smooth muscle cells Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 8.886 南方医科大学南方医院
6 hsa_circ_0005358通过与PTBP1蛋白相互作用,破坏CDCP1 mRNA的稳定性,从而抑制宫颈癌转移 hsa_circ_0005358 suppresses cervical cancer metastasis by interacting with PTBP1 protein to destabilize CDCP1 mRNA Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 8.886 浙江大学
7 circRNA circMED27作为促进肝细胞癌lenvatinib耐药的预后因子和中介物 circRNA circMED27 acts as a prognostic factor and mediator to promote lenvatinib resistance of hepatocellular carcinoma Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 8.886 复旦大学,郑州大学
8 环状RNAs在心肌肥厚调节中的作用 Circular RNAs in the regulation of cardiac hypertrophy Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 8.886 苏州大学附属第二医院
9 对circRNA和T-UCR群体的分析确定了Rett综合征小鼠和人类模型中的收敛路径 Analysis of the circRNA and T-UCR populations identifies convergent pathways in mouse and human models of Rett syndrome Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 8.886 IJC,PEBC
10 Circular RNA circSmoc1-2通过在血管平滑肌细胞中作为miR-874-3p海绵来调控血管钙化 Circular RNA circSmoc1-2 regulates vascular calcification by acting as a miR-874-3p sponge in vascular smooth muscle cells Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 8.886 全南国立大学
11 对N6 -甲基腺苷修饰和环状RNA相互作用的新见解 Novel insights into the interaction between N6-methyladenosine modification and circular RNA Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 8.886 南京医科大学附属南京第一医院
12 N6 -甲基腺苷(m6A)修饰与肿瘤环状RNAs相互作用的研究进展 Recent advances in crosstalk between N6-methyladenosine (m6A) modification and circular RNAs in cancer Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 8.886 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院
13 基于SINEUP的治疗方法:设计体外合成的SINEUP RNA Towards SINEUP-based therapeutics: Design of an in vitro synthesized SINEUP RNA Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 8.886 意大利理工学院
14 Hepcidin在肝细胞癌中的作用 Hepcidin in hepatocellular carcinoma Br J Cancer 7.640 伦敦国王学院生命科学和医学院教育中心
15 缺氧诱导肺动脉高压(HPH)大鼠模型肺动脉ceRNA调节网络的解码 Decoding ceRNA regulatory network in the pulmonary artery of hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension (HPH) rat model Cell Biosci 7.133 深圳大学
16 综合分析揭示了人类间充质干细胞脂肪成骨的谱系特异性环状RNA景观 Integrative analysis reveals a lineage-specific circular RNA landscape for adipo-osteogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells Stem Cell Res Ther 6.832 暨南大学
17 AAV5-hFVIII-SQ载体-基因组加工动力学在转导小鼠和非人灵长类动物肝脏中的分子分析 Molecular analysis of AAV5-hFVIII-SQ vector-genome-processing kinetics in transduced mouse and nonhuman primate livers Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev 6.698 BioMarin Pharmaceutical
18 结合全基因组关联和全转录组分析揭示棉花叶片性状的遗传控制 Integrating Genome-wide association and whole transcriptome analysis to reveal genetic control of leaf traits in Gossypium arboreum L Genomics 5.736 中国农业科学院棉花研究所
19 CircRNA_Maml2通过调控miR-93-3p/FZD7/Wnt/β-catenin通路促进严重烧伤后肠上皮细胞增殖和迁移 CircRNA_Maml2 promotes the proliferation and migration of intestinal epithelial cells after severe burns by regulating the miR-93-3p/FZD7/Wnt/β-catenin pathway Burns Trauma 5.099 徐州医科大学附属淮海医院,解放军第71集团军医院
20 CircRNA circFADS2在脓毒症中低表达,通过下调miR-133a保护肺细胞免受lps诱导的凋亡 CircRNA circFADS2 is under-expressed in sepsis and protects lung cells from LPS-induced apoptosis by downregulating miR-133a J Inflamm (Lond) 4.981 复旦大学闵行医院
21 环状RNAs:心血管疾病中血管平滑肌细胞的调节因子 Circular RNAs: regulators of vascular smooth muscle cells in cardiovascular diseases J Mol Med (Berl) 4.599 华南大学
22 Circ-OPHN1通过介导miR-558/THBS2轴抑制滋养细胞的增殖、迁移和侵袭 Circ-OPHN1 suppresses the proliferation, migration, and invasion of trophoblast cells through mediating miR-558/THBS2 axis Drug Dev Res 4.360 莆田大学附属医院妇产科
23 水稻对水稻黄单胞菌响应的环状RNAs的特征与鉴定。oryzae入侵 Identification and Characterization of Rice Circular RNAs Responding to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Invasion Phytopathology 4.025 上海交通大学
24 外显子环状RNAs参与拟南芥对抗细菌和真菌病原体的免疫应答,并与相应的线性RNAs协同作用 Exonic Circular RNAs Are Involved in Arabidopsis Immune Response Against Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens and Function Synergistically with Corresponding Linear RNAs Phytopathology 4.025 南京农业大学,山东农业大学
25 肝肺泡棘球蚴病患者血清源性外泌体环状RNAs表达的全基因组图谱分析 Genome-wide profiling of the expression of serum derived exosomal circRNAs in patients with hepatic alveolar echinococcosis Gene 3.688 土耳其埃尔祖鲁姆大学
26 Circ_0002945作为内源性RNA促进a β 25-35诱导的SK-N-SH细胞和人类原代神经元内质网应激和凋亡 Circ_0002945 functions as a competing endogenous RNA to promote Aβ 25-35-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis in SK-N-SH cells and human primary neurons Brain Res 3.252 青岛市精神卫生中心
27 干扰circ-GNB4可通过circ-GNB4/miR-23c/EGR1通路调节高糖诱导的人系膜细胞的增殖、ECM积累、炎症和氧化应激,从而减轻系膜细胞的损伤 Disrupting circ-GNB4 mitigates high glucose-induced human mesangial cells injury by regulating the proliferation, ECM accumulation, inflammation and oxidative stress through circ-GNB4/miR-23c/EGR1 pathway J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 3.105 烟台山医院,烟台市玉皇顶医院
28 Circ_0075804通过靶向miR-1287-5p调控LASP1的表达,从而影响视网膜母细胞瘤的生物学过程 Circ_0075804 regulates the expression of LASP1 by Targeting miR-1287-5p and thus affects the biological process of retinoblastoma Curr Eye Res 2.424 枣庄市医院眼科
29 Circ_0001174通过靶向miR-186-5p/MACC1轴促进骨肉瘤细胞的增殖、迁移和侵袭 Circ_0001174 facilitates osteosarcoma cell proliferation, migration, and invasion by targeting the miR-186-5p/MACC1 axis J Orthop Surg Res 2.359 吉林大学第二医院
30 二代环状rna测序揭示了人类脂肪来源干细胞软骨分化的分子机制 Next-Generation Sequencing of Circular RNAs Reveals the Molecular Mechanisms of Chondrogenic Differentiation in Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells Cell Biochem Biophys 2.194 暨南大学附属第一医院
31 CircFOXM1作为ceRNA上调SMAD2,促进鼻咽癌的进展 CircFOXM1 acts as a ceRNA to upregulate SMAD2 and promote the progression of nasopharyngeal carcinoma Mol Genet Genomic Med 2.183 南京医科大学附属肿瘤医院,徐州医科大学
32 Circ-TFF1通过miR-129-2-3p/IRAK1轴促进乳腺癌进展 Circ-TFF1 Promotes Breast Cancer Progression Through the miR-129-2-3p/IRAK1 Axis Biochem Genet 1.890 烟台莱阳中心医院
